Thursday, November 20, 2014

How Prepared Are You?

This question is far from the minds of young people though it possibly hovers at the back of the older generation’s minds.

Prepared for what?  For the inevitable of course.  Our time on earth is limited; we are creatures in transit.  Are we prepared for our final destination?  Or are we still thinking that we have lots of time and during the interim, we still continue with what we strive to do, pursuing our dreams.  However, no one knows how much time has been given to him or her. Like it or not we will go.  Here I would like to share my poem with my readers.

       No R.S.V.P.

Young or old, rich or poor
One day, sooner or later,
All will R.I.P.
Pushing up daisies or sealed in
Niches, arranged in concrete rows
In the Garden of Remembrance.
Whatever we can, do it out of kindness;
Wherever we can, help to make
Today a good day for someone.
The invitation without any R.S.V.P.
Comes out of the blue,
Often taking the invitees by surprise;
But all respond without fail,
For choice there is none.

© SeongNgor Lim

The most important thing is of course to leave behind a will disposing of our assets the way we wish.  This will pre-empt any ugly squabbles over the distribution of assets should we die intestate.

The other important thing is to make sure that we will leave behind happy memories for those we love. Spending time with our children and grandchildren, whether in activities, or simple chatter, or whatever we like to do with our family, bonding with them so that when we are no longer with them, they can look back and remember the times we had together.  We can leave behind memories for them to cherish.  Photographs are great for trips down memory lane.

We want our loved ones to remember us with love, not resentment, or worse still, to have them prefer to forget us.  So whatever we do now, we must make sure we spend time with our loved ones and also to provide for them so that they will not be left helpless and destitute when there is no will and no funds for their immediate living expenses.  Whatever we bank accounts we have will be immediately frozen upon our demise. 

So are you prepared?
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