Tuesday, June 21, 2011

“Little stones make big mountains,
Little steps can cover miles,
Little acts of loving-kindness,
Give the world its biggest smiles,
Little words can soothe big troubles,
Little hugs can dry big tears,
Little candles light the darkness,
Little memories last for years,
Little dreams can lead to greatness,
Little victories to success,
It’s the little things in life,
That brings the greatest happiness ..”

I don't know where this came from but I thought it is too valuable not to share. These pearls of wisdom taken to heart and applied in our daily lives, will make a difference not only in our lives but in the lives of others too.

Indeed it is the little things in life that bring great happiness. Showing understanding, doing something that shows your care and concern, kind words of encouragement... all these will strengthen your relationships and make for closer bonds.

Some time spent in reflection will bring home the truth of these glowing pearls of wisdom. I hope we can make an effort to light up someone's corner of darkness.
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Friday, June 10, 2011

The Obedient Wives’ Club – in the Name of Love?

There’s been a lot of brickbats for the newly formed Obedient Wives’ Club which has
suggested that a wife must obey and serve her husband like a first-class prostitute. The OWC international vice-president has said that “a man married to a woman who is as good or better than a prostitute in bed has no reason to stray”. The club even offers sex lessons to help women keep their husbands.

Women’s groups, individuals from both genders have declared that this is “totally unacceptable”, “ terrible” , “ ridiculous”, “stupid idea” and “disgusting”.

Apart from spousal abuse, extra-marital affairs are often the main factor in the breakup of marriages. The name of the club suggests that disobedient wives are to blame for a man straying outside the marriage.

A marriage is a partnership between two people who have decided to spend the rest of their lives together building a family and a home. Both are equal partners who deserve mutual respect and are expected to pull their weight in building their family unit.

If both partners are true to and care for each other, there will not be a third party in the marriage. So why is there the perceived need for the wife to serve her husband like a prostitute to keep him by her side? Each would know the other’s needs and seek to fulfil them the best they can.

The question of subservience should not arise, not in today’s world, although most unfortunately, there are still very backward societies that regard women as mere chattels.

Love does not seek to bind nor only to please oneself. It is best summed up in William Blake’s poem:

“Love seeketh not itself to please,
Nor for itself hath any care;
But for another gives its ease,
And builds a Heaven in Hell’s despair.”

Perhaps the Obedient Wives’ Club susbscribes to the other side of the coin which Blake has aptly described:

“ Love seeketh only Self to please,
To bind another to its delight,
Joys in another’s loss of ease,
And builds a Hell in Heaven’s despite.”
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Typical Day in My Life

As the months passed by I settled into a routine.

An early round of daily morning golf set my metabolism into gear for the rest of the day. With my golf buddy, I would be on the fairway at 5:40 a.m. ( at first light of day ) teeing off into the barely lit sky. I use a yellow ball which helps me to see it. My buddy has very sharp eyes so she watches out for my ball. We pull our trolleys for the extra work it would require of our system. Good for our hearts, bones and stamina. We finish 9 holes by 7:00 a.m. if there are only two of us. Yes, with brisk walking, and no searching for lost balls, this is possible. After all the main purpose is the exercise, the enjoyment of fresh air and the song of birds in the air.

Once home and after breakfast, I would settle at my computer, trying to learn more about the internet, trying to find my way around the computer. It was a very steep learning curve, spending on courses that never delivered what was promised. It was difficult because I didn’t have any technical background and many courses assumed that you had a certain level of knowledge which I didn’t.

Years later, I discovered blogging! This satisfied my urge to write, for writing is one of my passions. In the attempt to learn, I found myself with more than one blog! They were all “false starts”, if there is such a term. I didn’t know how to delete the blog so they stayed.

Later on I discovered Facebook and Twitter!! Slowly I learned how to upload photos, thanks to my children who bought me a digital camera as a birthday present. I began to take photos of my plants, my garden, the food that I ate in various places and the places I visited. Without a digital camera, this would not have been possible.

I initially thought that Facebook was a waste of time as friends kept on urging me to play games with them and I don’t really like to play games online, etc etc as I consider it a waste of time which could be better spent learning something new, such as internet marketing. Now I’ve changed my mind about Facebook because it is a very powerful social medium where you can interact with people whether for fun or business. I’m still learning about Facebook….there’s so much to learn!

Twitter was good in that one is forced to use no more than 140 characters so it has got to be concise. I now have more than 6000 followers!!

Most of my day is spent on the computer.

Unfortunately, age has caught up with me. I had two falls which now make it impossible for me to squat down to do my weeding and replanting of flowers and plants. I also had to reduce my morning golf to 3 times a week because the doctor said that walking up and down the undulating slopes of the fairway is not good for my knees. Still the stubborn streak is there, 3 times a week it now is and a slower pace.

Then there are the house chores that take up time, the laundry and cooking being my major tasks. In between there are errands to run.

At night I steal some time for my emails in between my favourite t.v. programs. So each day is a full day and each night I fall into bed, relieved to sink into cool comfort, often dozing off before the t.v. program ends!

The next morning the alarm wakes me and I thank the good Lord for the bonus of another day.
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