Sunday, July 26, 2015

Where Have All The Years Gone?

Where once my legs could pedal furiously on a racing bike with my friends, streaking around the tracks in the stadium, today I pedal on a stationary bike for only ten minutes at the most and only sometimes.

Where once it was not a problem to traverse across oceans wide, today flying seven hours is hardship.

Where are the days and energy of youth?  Somehow, along the way, time has taken its toll, not only on the physical body, but also on the mind. 

Forgetfulness is now a constant companion. Misplacing things or forgetting where I’ve kept them and even forgetting what I have, altogether, makes me wonder how this came to be.

Someone said that undergoing general anesthesia kills brain cells and if that’s true, then it’s no wonder, having undergone numerous surgeries to resolve life threatening issues.

Bragging rights?  Yes, three lovely grandchildren, two boys and a girl but none staying in the same country.  Some books in which gave me hours of pleasure when creating the stories and poems.  Plus English grammar books, trying to do my bit in halting the slide into more and more atrocious English usage by younger Malaysians today.

Time has flown by, stolen by and now I read obituaries.  I see friends who have departed. No wonder that a group of my classmates has decided that we should meet up more often if we can get away from grandma duties, etc., for the day will come when the group will dwindle and cease to exist.

It is saddening when friends, especially good friends pass on and one only gets to know through the obits. Sometimes there are no obits, only through word of mouth. Then one wishes and regrets.  “If only….” Very sad words.

It is now a time of waiting and wondering, when, how?

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