Monday, May 27, 2013

Overwhelm, Overload

Have you been pummelled and beaten down with your hands covering your head?  This is physical assault but I’m not referring to it.  What I’m talking about is mental assault, the kind where you get so overwhelmed that you feel like your head is bursting and you’re gasping for>
I’ve been assaulted by information overload and it’s literally killing me.

Everywhere I turn I see videos, books, advertisements, emails, so much so that in my sleep, I’m still clicking on the computer mindlessly, not knowing what I’m doing, just following what is on the screen.

My brain just can’t catch up and I’m fatigued by the immense amount of information that keeps coming through on the screen.  It’s frightening and I’m now immobilized, frozen mentally if not physically.

That’s why I haven’t been updating my blogs regularly. I need to clear my mind but that would mean being left behind.  This will be even worse for I will still have to “catch up” and there will be loads of information to sift through.

However, I cannot just give it all up as I’ve committed to it.  I need to learn and          understand the strategies of online marketing and driving traffic.  The going can get only tougher but I’m not a quitter!

Got to buckle down and get on with it. Sigh….

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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Learning is Never Easy

Learning something is never easy. It gets harder and harder as one grows older.  Somehow the mind finds it more difficult to focus and it gets distracted easily.

I've been learning but at a very slow pace as it takes me a long while to grasp a technical issue. Praise the Lord that I've managed to set up a simple website where I hope to share what I've learned about online marketing.

So please visit fattiboomboom

You may wonder why it is called fattiboomboom.  Well, I'll let you into the secret. That was what I was called when I was in elementary school! I must have been a chubby little girl and you know how fat little girls get teased. Fatti-fatti boom boom was the first line of a chant. I leave you to guess at the rest...

So do visit fattiboomboom.
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