Monday, March 24, 2014

Technology Addiction

More and more gadgets with improved apps and services are on the market with each passing day.  It is impossible to keep up with the technological advances.

Once it was that the smaller your hand phone, the better but now the smart phones are slightly bigger, slimmer and very versatile. They can do things which I could never have imagined years ago.  Just as my grandmother marveled at the voice coming through the hand-held receiver was her granddaughter’s, I now wonder at the fact that my hand phone can lead me to a place I’m looking for once I key in the address.

Many young people are so addicted to their gadgets that they obsess over it.  If by chance they left behind their smart phone, it’s like having lost a limb! Have you seen a group of young people at a table all busy with their phones, oblivious to their pals?  It’s now all about online communication, using social media and other apps.

Another trend is the selfie. I used to wonder what a selfie was but now I’m also taking selfies!!  It’s taking a picture of yourself on your hand phone and you can post it on Facebook to share with family and friends. You no longer have to ask someone to take your picture.

Unfortunately there has been a case where a young man was so obsessed with taking a perfect selfie of himself that when he couldn’t, he attempted suicide.  Fortunately his mother discovered him in time and the doctors saved his life. This is actually a mental health issue and it is defined as Body Dysmorphic Disorder which arises from the anxiety that causes sufferers to worry excessively about their appearance.

On the other hand, something good has come out of taking selfies.  The “no makeup selfie” was started to raise funds for cancer research and many women posted selfies of themselves without any makeup on Facebook and made a donation. Within 48 hours, this selfie posting charity campaign raised more than 500,000 pounds in Ireland while in the UK it raised more than 2.5 million pounds.  All in all more than $3.3 million was raised to fund cancer research.

I think one has to be sensible when it comes to the use of technology.  It can help us to do many things but misuse can lead to undesirable consequences that are often unexpected.
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Friday, March 7, 2014

ONS Trending

It was quite an eye-opener to read that there is now a trend known as ONS among the younger group of people. It is one thing to follow trends in the fashion industry where annual spring and winter collections appear on runways promoting designers’ couture offerings but quite another to participate in ONS.

The majority of people who are conservative in their outlook may be aghast at what is now trending among the younger age groups who may consider themselves to be avante garde, hence their fervor in pursuit of a new lifestyle, the ONS.

Some may even compare the number of ONS in their report cards. How do they get on the ONS circuit?

Apparently there are websites where you post your profile and you browse through profiles that have been posted.  You select a partner at random or if you like someone’s profile. Then arrangements are made for the ONS.

What is ONS?   It refers to one night stands where two people meet up to satisfy their sexual needs and there are no strings attached. Simply put, it’s hello, wham, bang and goodbye! 
How does that appeal to you?
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