Friday, March 17, 2017

Baby Time Goes By

Time seems to fly past ever so quickly. It doesn’t seem too long ago that we ushered in the new year with parties and fireworks. It is already mid-March.

The older we are, the faster time seems to fly by. Most of us baby boomers are now in the late autumn of our lives, if we have survived so far.  Some of us are now into early winter.
                                                            Lunch at the Lake Club
                                                          Lunch at a Chinese Restaurant
As for me and my chums, the most important issue for us now is our health. All of us are familiar with age-related health issues, namely high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, cataract, etc. So, for us it is now a matter of maintenance, to remain at the level that we’re at and not to let the condition deteriorate.
                       The Lake Club is a preferred venue as we do not need to climb up the stairs

We share news over lunch or tea and we often laugh and giggle like overaged teens! You see, we’ve been in school together since elementary school and we’ve kept up our friendships even though we do not stay close to one another. Some of us live across the seas, as far away as New Zealand, the UK and myself in Borneo. We try to meet up a few times a year, especially those of us who aren’t too far away. I’m a two and a half hour flight away so that’s not too bad. The faraway ones come back once a year so we all get together for lunch.
                                                   Lunch at another Chinese Restaurant

We keep contact through apps such as Whatsapp.  What will we do without our smart phones?? One thing though, which others may find strange, is that we carry two phones, a “dumb” or dinosaur phone (no internet) and a smartphone. Whichever is the easier to use for the moment, we’ll use it.  Strange people , we are!! 
                                                          We prefer Chinese food

Meanwhile, we do keep ourselves informed of what to do and not to do.  We need to walk slowly and carefully to avoid falls as fractures could immobilize us for a long time. The healing process takes longer the older one is.  We need to make healthier food choices, to eat more fruit and vegetables and to cut down on meat.
                                              Chinese New Year Lunch with the Lion Feb 2017

We always part with the next date confirmed and the venue to be determined later. There’s always an animated discussion when it comes to the choice of venue but we do manage to reach a final consensus. There are usually 12 of us but not everyone turns up each time we meet. Who knows whether all of us will make it the next time round? Our number could be called at any time to return to the Lord.
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