Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Is there Life after Retirement?

Of course there is! One is much busier after retirement than when one was still actively working a 9 – 5 day.

Before one retires, one has lots of plans as to what to do with one’s time. Ah, now I can do what I’ve never had time to do….. sleep in, have coffee mornings, go jogging, learn to cook, more gardening, read the book that I never had the time to read, etc, etc, etc.

How did I do?

Well, the day after I retired, I flew off to the UK to attend my son’s graduation. However, after returning home, reality set in. No more waking up early and leaving the house early to beat the traffic jam. I could walk in my garden and enjoy my flowers and potted plants. A leisurely breakfast on the patio, enjoying the cool morning sea breeze while reading the newspaper…… such a relaxed lifestyle.

Yet, I felt empty. I missed the chaotic movements of students coming and going, the school bell ringing at the end of lessons, the noisy chatter of the boys and girls, the sight of teachers huddled over their students’ exercise books in the staff room, their grouses and the incessant ringing of the telephone in the general office. I missed sitting among the school kids during breaktime at the school canteen. Yes, I often did that to see how things were, since our school canteen was very small and we had so many students.

Besides, with the school principal sitting and eating together with them ensured that there would be no rowdiness. Unbelievable, but I never thought that I would miss school so much after being caught in the daily “madness” of running a school and attending to so many things piled up on my desk over the years.

One thing I didn’t miss for sure, was the occasional irritant of having to attend meetings outside of school which mostly were a waste of time as nothing really useful ever came out of it. I liked walking along the corridors, looking into the classrooms or out at the school field to watch the students having their physical education. That was my daily constitutional.

Yes, I missed the boys and girls who came into my office to discuss issues that troubled them, the teachers who had issues as well and the many activities of the school. The activities and the students and teachers were the pulse of a school.
I missed all that and it took quite a while before I settled into retirement proper.
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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Why are we Afraid?

Yes, why are we afraid? Afraid of this and that...afraid to commit thoughts in writing, afraid to voice true feelings, afraid to do something... preferring instead to remain silent.

Why are we afraid to make comments? I've posted so many articles here but there are hardly any comments. I wish some of you will comment so as to give me feedback. Tell me what you would like me to write. Give me ideas please and let us make this more interactive.

If any of you have a blog, I would like to read it and leave my comments.

My other blog, www.beautifulsterlingsilvercharms.com has received many comments on a daily basis. It is most heartening to read the comments.

So please do leave your comments. Thanks.
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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Never Quit

Here is a poem worth sharing.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
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Sunday, May 15, 2011

What is your Stand on Bullying?

Bullying rears its ugly head more often these days and some victims have ended their lives because they could not bear to be constantly harassed and humiliated.

Why does it occur?

It appears to occur when people and kids are included, are in a group and they browbeat someone who is perceived to be timid and an under-achiever. It also appears that bullies will hesitate if their victim retaliates by being aggressive. However they only pick on those who are weak and defenseless.

A case in point is the schoolgirl who was bullied and the beating she got was recorded and posted onto YouTube. Her humiliation, pain and pleas that fell on deaf ears were there for the world to see. Her hair was hacked off by the bullies and these were her classmates.

Many comments have been made in the press about the indifferent attitude of the classmates, teachers and perhaps the school head as well. It cannot be that they didn’t know about it as the bullying had been going on for a period of time. Teachers are also moving around when the school bell rings for the change of classes. Talk gets around. Don’t tell me that this didn’t filter into the staffroom.

Because the episode was recorded and uploaded onto the net, investigations were carried out and the culprits were identified. Upon being found out, they quickly apologized for their actions. However they were given the maximum of a 2-week suspension from school after which they will undergo counselling. But what of the victim?

The latest news is that she will be transferred to another school. You can bet that what happened to her will also follow her to her new school, such is the grapevine that links schools.

Readers have written in to argue that suspension is a holiday for the maladjusted wayward bullies and that counseling will not be effective in changing their ways. The behaviour of these four girls speaks volumes of their upbringing. What are their parents doing that their offspring can torment another girl in school, during school hours?

They are as much to blame as the teachers and the head of that school. Apparently the victim's mother had alerted the school about her daughter being bullied but obviously nothing was done about it or how could it continue to happen? All of them are culpable. Our moral standards have dropped so much that a weaker child is baited and tormented and the others just look the other way and think that it is none of their business..

What do you think should have been done? Do you think apologies are enough to atone for the atrociousness of their actions? What can be done to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future? How can schools be made safe so that there is no
climate of fear?

Wouldn't you like to be assured that your child is in a school where she will not be picked upon just because there are others who think nothing of being aggressive but enjoy hurting others?
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Facebook Abused

Of late there has been reports in the news media of women being conned of millions of dollars through Facebook.

Facebook is the largest social networking media today and millions of people get onto Facebook for several reasons, chief among which is to make friends and to become a friend of their friends too. In this way you get to befriend thousands of people, many of whom you don’t even know, yet you exchange information and at times you can become good friends.

I believe some people have engaged with others on Facebook, got to know them better and some friendships have ended at the altar, living happily ever after.

Others, however have ended at the sacrificial altar where not a few women have fallen prey to sweet-talking men who after a period of time, deceive them into parting with their money. These women fall in love with the men whom they’ve never met but with whom they interacted online. Having lost their hearts to the men, it was only a matter of time before the con men moved in and fleeced them of their money. Things done in the name of love!!!

So blinded are they that it is only much later that they realize they had been duped and cheated of their money. Then only do they make police reports and hope that other women would not fall for the scam. Unfortunately, some women still fail to see through these online Lotharios.

This surely is abuse of Facebook which was set up to facilitate networking among people and friends who update one another with their latest news and photographs.

It is such a shame that Facebook has become a tool in the hands of mobsters, gangsters, conmen, etc., etc. It has become a place where drug mules are lured into trafficking and others inducted into criminal gangs. It has now become a place where you have to tread with care and not just simply befriend anyone. Never fall for a photograph that has been uploaded for it may not be the person’s but someone else’s. So don’t rush in where angels fear to tread.
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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day

The world pays tribute to mothers everywhere today, it being Mother’s Day which is celebrated in honor of the woman who gave birth to her children and raised them. Mother- a very influential person in everyone’s life and this is aptly crystallized in “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world”. It can also be perceived in “Behind every great man (stands ?) a woman”…… I’m not sure if I’m quoting correctly… the memory cells are diminishing with age….

Mother’s Day is celebrated with gusto as can be seen in the media, from print to telecasts.

The newspapers have pages dedicated to mothers and children, whatever their ages, have their special messages for their mums.

It is the same on the T.V. where folks are interviewed and they are full of appreciation for their mothers who have brought them up to be what and where they are today.

Mother’s Day is also very commercialized with businesses promoting gifts and services for mothers. Restaurants are fully booked for Mother’s Day with special menus.

However, in our church, the pastor reminded us of the first commandmant, “Honor Thy Father and Mother” and our congregation celebrates Parents’ Day to honor not only mothers but also fathers.

His message was very clear. Honor your parents while they are still alive. If you have any misunderstandings that have soured your relationship with them, it is time to ask for forgiveness even if you think you are in the right. Saying sorry will heal the hurt in yourselves as well as theirs. Your spirit will feel lighter and you will be blessed for taking the first step towards healing the rift that had ripped you apart. Do it now so that you will not regret later, when they have passed on.

The young children sang songs and danced while the older ones thanked their parents on this day.

Self-made Mother’s Day cards were proudly handed to mothers and the elderly in the church were given gifts of love in a large goody bag. The mothers put up a dance for the occasion too.

The pastor also reminded young parents to teach their children to love, appreciate and respect their parents and grandparents. The best way of teaching is to show by example as children emulate what they see. Honoring parents is not confined to one day in a year but it should be on a daily basis and as a way of life. When your parents are not living with you, there is always the telephone so call them, speak to them and let them know that they’re loved and not forgotten. Old folks get very lonely and miss their children more than they will let on.

Happy Mother’s Day!
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Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Brain Drain or Going down the Drain?

I would like to share excerpts from a reader’s article in the Views section of The Star newspaper dated 30 April 2011.

Prof Dr M Fazilah Abdul Samad from the Faculty of Business and Accountancy, Universiti Malaya wrote an article on “Stemming the Brain Drain”, a topic which has been in the news of late. Malaysia is losing her best brains to other countries.

The Prof mooted the idea that the Malaysian School system has to change and in particular the history books in the primary school syllabus should be rewritten. Here is what she has to say:

“ Reintroduce and rewrite our history books in the primary school syllabus and do not let them memorise numbers and dates.

Let them remember stories instead. Blend in the historical figures from all the three races. Introduce Admiral Cheng Ho as a hero and how, together with Hang Tuah, they rebuilt the Malacca Sultanate.

We should add romance in out history books by having Hang Li Po falling in love with the Malacca sultan. Perhaps we can rope in Indian history, too.

We want a sense of belonging instilled in everyone. We want everyone to feel that their forefathers had a share in the building of the nation.”

She goes on to talk about instilling self-pride and a sense of belonging, of “ keeping meritocracy alive. No more “preference given to bumiputras”.

I think she has hit the nail on the head. If meritocracy is the norm and everyone is given equal opportunities; when there is no more talk of “pendatang”, no politicizing of issues and manipulation of racial sentiments and incitement to hatred by playing on people’s fears, the brain drain will be staunched. Malaysia is a paradise that is being destroyed by people who are too selfish and self-aggrandizing to see that their actions are robbing the younger generations of a sustainable future. Future generations could be going down the drain instead.

Having been born and bred in Malaya, now Malaysia, after extensive travel to many other countries, near and far, there is truly no place like home. Home is where the heart is, and to most Malaysians, even though they may be residing elsewhere on foreign soil, Malaysia is still home. Nostalgia is always there, when Malaysia and one’s kampong is mentioned, Malaysians will wax lyrical…..ah, the good old days, the superb nasi lemak, the char kuay teow, nasi bryiani, apam, curry fishhead, chendol, ABC, etc etc

To be Malaysian is to be truly blessed. Let us leave something good for our descendants.
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