Yet there is an ugly side to man. Man is territorial, like other species. Crowd his space and watch what happens. This is well illustrated along the highways. Have you ever witnessed the rage that takes over the rational mind when someone cuts into his right of way? There have been cases of aggravated assault leading to serious injuries.
The green-eyed monster that rears its head has instigated crimes of passion often ending in the death of one or even both parties.
What makes an apparently mild person turn into Mr Hyde? The seeds of violence are possibly inherent in man, bursting forth under provocation. Some of us tend to be more volatile than others.
Those who are less inclined to an outburst of temperament may be genetically primed to a calmer predisposition. On the other hand, some may have tremendous will power to keep their emotions at bay and thus practise restraint.
The bestial nature of man is never far from the surface and the media has of late reported cases of fathers raping their young daughters. Grandfathers have also been reported to unleash their lust on young relatives. Abduction of young children especially girls who end up sexually abused and dead also make headlines. Mothers who abet their lustful partners in the sexual abuse of their daughters go against the order of nature. Such people do not deserve to be regarded as human beings as they have no humanity in them when they can perpetrate such evil against their offspring.
Do other animals abuse their young?
Why is there such moral decadence?
Is it because we have ignored spirituality? Are we overly focused on material pursuits? Where is the fear of God? Maybe it’s time to step back and evaluate the status quo.