Friday, June 11, 2010

The First E

I would like to share this tip which I received from an email.

This tip says that we should live with the 3 E’s.

Today I would like to share about the first E which stands for Energy.

Have you wondered where we came from and what we are made of? I’m sure one answer will be: from the union of papa’s seed and mama’s egg and we are made of flesh and blood. Yes, this is the physical substance of us. The other is energy. We are energy cocooned in a physical body which we divest when we leave this world and return to the Source of energy from whence we came. Thus as energy we move on to the next stage. What it is, I don’t know although there are the New Age books that have very definite ideas about it.

On another level, to live with the first E which is energy can be interpreted as living life to the full, looking at things in a positive way. This would be energy well spent, rather than to dwell on the negative, which will be a waste of vibrant energy.

Being positive would attract people to us, especially those who also are positive for people with similar interests tend to group together.

There is so much that we can do if all positive energy can be harnessed into doing good, into making a difference to people's lives. This in turn would create more positive energy in us, having felt the satisfaction of having contributed to something worthwhile.

It would be in our interests to distance ourselves from those who are negative in their outlook lest we be drawn into their pessimism for negativity can be contagious.

So here’s to being positive! Cheers!
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