Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fine Feathers make Fine Birds........really??

Very often one is sized up by one’s appearance. What you wear and how you carry yourself projects an image of you and like it or not, this is how another person perceives you and has you pinned as “ your average Joe “ or “Jane” or a “go-getter” or a lady of leisure or a harassed housewife.

Sometimes the observer has a person down to pat while at other times she couldn’t be more wrong.

Dare I say that how one comes across is often a way of life? If someone is a working professional, the way he or she is dressed will shout it out. It becomes a habit so that even when you are off work, the usual style of dressing is there, albeit not the usual garb that you wear. On the other hand, you may be only too relieved to sport casual tees and pants. Still that “stamp” is there.

Somehow, your profession has a mark on you. Many a time, a woman
is asked, “Are you a teacher? You look like one.” Is it
the conservative way of dressing, one’s demeanour, the
tone of speech? Is there a “teacher” look stamped on a teacher?

Or what about the world’s oldest profession? Usually one can tell right away
if a woman is in that profession, There again, is it revealed by the way she is dressed, the way she carries herself, speaks and looks? Sometimes one comes across a walking “Christmas tree” , dressed to the nines, covered in bling with a branded handbag that is always de riguer. A member of the nouveau riche? Loud dressing is not a mark of the “old rich”. On the contrary they tend to play down their dressing but the quality shows through in the fabric, the cut and flow of the garment. Understated elegance. However this is not a monopoly belonging to them as it can be acquired, by observing, learning and adopting as part of your style.

Nonetheless don’t be fooled by the external trappings. There have been cases where a very simply dressed person in unbranded tees, short pants and flip flops whom you will give a cursory glance, is actually worth millions. Such low-key profile perhaps is a way of protection, not wanting to draw attention to his worth to keep predators at bay.

All said and done, your personality comes through in the way you are dressed, the way you carry yourself, the way you speak and the expression on your face. Whether you are the type of person who draws people to you naturally (not because of your social position) or the type from whom others shy, is a clue to the inner you, which fine clothes will not hide. As they say “truth will out.”
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