Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mine and Mine Only

Just as cats and dogs assert territorial rights, so do human beings. The most visible is the fence around the house, demarcating one’s property from neighbours’. Gestures used in human behavior, both covert and overt signal possession.

One can observe these anywhere. A hand stroking the nape, an arm linked to another or around the waist of the person – these are overt signs of possession, signaling “hands off”. A man always holding his partner’s hand wherever they go shows a bespoke relationship.
The poses in photographs say many things too, whether deliberately posed or taken candidly.

Relationships that are intimate and have gone the distance are often identified by the comfortable and companionable silence surrounding them.
A small gesture, a certain look in the eyes…these are familiar communication that do not require words. Very often one partner knows what the other is going to say or what he/she is feeling. An almost imperceptible nod or a squeeze of the hand conveys a message known only to them. This exclusivity and bond set them apart from others.

There is no jealousy or discomfort in the company of others for they have a rock solid relationship and understanding. However, some women who may not like it when their partners are perceived to enjoy talking to other women will take umbrage and behave in subtle ways to assert ownership. One can often sense when another woman is not pleased.
Both men and women can be very possessive of their partners and show this trait in different ways. However it has been taken to the extreme in some cases where crimes of passion are committed, sometimes over misunderstandings or misperceptions. A case in point is Shakespeare’s Othello who murdered his wife Desdemona although she was innocent of his jealous suspicions.
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