Friday, September 6, 2013


When one is working at today’s frenetic pace, one looks forward to retirement.  It looks so inviting and one tends to dream of that day when one finally clocks out at the office.  No more traffic crawls in the early morning and evening…. Just time to rest and relax, doing what one feels like doing.

Some retirees go travelling, far and near, depending on the travel bug that has bitten them and on their financial resources.  Some settle into a humdrum routine of morning exercise, a leisurely breakfast, reading the newspapers, afternoon naps, dinner and watching t.v., occasionally forwarding emails that are interesting.  Others may take up hobbies or help to babysit grandchildren.

What of the expertise that retirees have?  What happens to that wonderful store of knowledge, skills and experience ?  Is there any way that they can share them ?  Put them to good use?  Are there any opportunities or avenues for such retirees?

A second career?  Part-time work?  It’s a shame to let such rich experience and knowledge waste away while retirees are still healthy.

Retirement…SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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