Monday, June 19, 2017

Quo vadis?

There is far too much violence in the world today. Each day we read in the news of massacres, murders committed during robberies, random shootings into crowds, deliberate mowing down of pedestrians and bullying perpetrated by students, which more often than not, ended in the death of the victims.

Two recent cases of fatal bullying within one month, led to an outpouring of grief and anger. The bullies have been arrested and are now facing murder charges which carry the mandatory death penalty. These bullies are teenagers and also in the twenty something age group.

Why is there so much anger and venomous hatred? The two victims were their schoolmates/university mates and were known to be non-aggressive and well-liked by their friends.

Why did the bullies pick on the vulnerable to beat and torture them to the extent that it could only lead to death? It has been opined that herd mentality drives the bullies to be more vicious and to revel in their power over the hapless victim.  It could be the sadistic and cruel streak that surfaces when they see their victim writhing in agony. 

Brutality seems to be the order of the day. Road rage, abusive adults who abuse their young charges mercilessly and beat them to death. Whatever is the world coming to? 

Have we come to the End Days? Where are we going? Will we be like the lemmings?
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