Sunday, August 16, 2009

What will it come to?

Yesterday I was having a discussion with 11 & 12 year-olds in Sunday School. We were talking about social issues in our country and the likely consequences. One of the issues that came up was the abandonment of old and sickly parents by their offspring. These young Sunday School children were aghast and indignant that the old and sick are being callously abandoned either at hospitals, old folks' homes or simply left to fend for themselves as best they can or at the mercy of whatever comes along.

They were quick to point out that this goes against the commandmant "Honour thy father and mother" and as God has revealed through the ages in the Bible, those who disobey Him will have to face the consequences. We also talked about what our elders have always taught us. If you treat your elders poorly, your children in turn will do likewise to you. We also talked about filial piety.

They categorically stated that they would never ever forsake their parents. I told them never to forget what they had just said.

Sometimes circumstances force people to take the easier way out, to leave the care of aged and ailing parents to a sibling who is unmarried, or to a state insitution. It is not that they forget what their parents have done for them. It is the force of circumstances and it is human nature to choose the easier path or to put it bluntly, it is their selfish nature which puts self above others even if the others are your own parents who need your care. Abdication of responsibility is rearing its ugly head more frequently these days.

The authorities have said that there is no need at the moment for any legislation to compel off-spring to look after their parents as has been done in neighbouring Singapore. I believe though that there will come a time when they will have to do it or the burden on society and the state will come to breaking point.

Another issue raised by one of the children was murder. She had read about murders in the newspapers. "Thou shall not kill" chirped another bright spark. Yes, these children are quick to link the current ills in society with the laws laid down by God. As has been shown in the Bible, there will be repercussions.

The children set to thinking....... consequences......hmmm...... well, I won't bore you with the possibilities that these young minds came up with but I'm heartened that guided along the right path, they will certainly do the right things and there is hope yet for all of us.

Perhaps, what strikes home is that the family unit is paramount when nurturing the children. There must be a balance. It is not enough just to send them to school to learn but they must also be taught basic human values, that of caring for the helpless, the needy, the old and yes, charity begins at home. Look to your aged parents and care for them before you "selflessly" dig into your pockets towards a cause, just so you look good.

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