Monday, November 2, 2009

Catching Up Across the Years

Yesterday fifteen grandparents got together, a few of whom hadn't seen one another for 40 years or more.

Can you imagine how wonderful it was? Some of us last saw one another when we were in our early twenties and now we are in the sixties!

Yet the easy camaderie was there, spontaneous and joyful. Somehow the link was still there and still very strong. What is it about Brinsford Lodge that binds its graduates with such strength and affection? The bond that exists between Brinsfordians no matter how long the lapse of time is unique.

Mention that you are a Brinsfordian to someone whom you didnt know is a Brinsfordian as well, and the response is somehow shades warmer.

The ties that bind under the old English sky are silken and strong. We reminisced together, sharing little episodes that still stand out in our respective memories.

Some of us had hitch-hiked together throughout the British Isles and we had also traversed Europe on the eurorail having adventures that make us wonder at our youthful daring.

We used to hitchhike in pairs and would meet up in youth hostels at the end of each day. I remember Debbie and I were given a ride in a hearse, together with the coffin, en route to picking up its soon-to-be tenant. The driver, full of Irish mischief, teased us relentlessly and we were secretly trembling with fright. It was such a relief when he dropped us off along the road where we waited for our next ride.

Evelyn was our leader in a group of ten, with only one lucky guy Frankie when we made our way through a few European countries using the eurorail. On the way to Switzerland, we had embarked on a coach which wasn't going to our destination but we didnt know that. We didnt realise that coaches would be uncoupled during the night at a particular station and we had to be sure we were on the right one. Unfortunately, we were fast asleep when that happened and when the train stopped, we found ourselves in a small town far away from our destination.

It was already dark and after some hassle we managed to locate a youth hostel. Four of us were hungry enough to venture out to look for food while the others called it a day. I remember we were accosted by a couple of Africans and it was getting to be rather annoying when to our relief two Swiss policemen walked up and we got them to escort us back to our hoste.

Thanks to Evelyn's leadership, we got on to the train the next morning and arrived at our destination safely.

There was so much to catch up on that the three hour lunch was not long enough and we were discreetly informed that the waiters had to get the place re-arranged for high tea. Even out in the lobby, there was a reluctance to part for it had been so good to re-live the memories of our youth. Sum Choon had come in from Kota Bahru, Evelyn from Hong Kong enroute back to Switzerland where she now resides, and I from Kota Kinabalu.

All good times do come to an end and we parted with promises to get together once more next year. However I hope to meet up with them on a more frequent basis, now that there are cheaper airfares and with the relentess passing of time which seems even faster than before, comes a greater sense of urgency that I must make more opportunities to meet up with loved ones and "golden" friends before Destiny cuts the thread of life.

Somehow I cant see the link for images on this page so I invite you to look at my Facebook for the photos of these grandparents. You can find my facebook at
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