Friday, August 20, 2010

Whatever you set your mind to, you can do it!

This is an illustration of what I wrote in my blog a couple of weeks ago. If you find yourself in an untenable situation, there are two things you can do. Wallow in self pity and give up or reframe the situation and find how you can turn it to good use. It won't be easy but if you are determined you can achieve what you set out to do.

This young Chinese did that and you can see the video to realise how hard the journey was for him after he lost both his arms in a freak accident.You know how hard it is to wriggle your toes to pick up something but to play the piano?? Using your fingers to play the piano is hard enough but using your toes?

Watch Lui Wei and share his triumph over the odds. Let him be an inspiration to all of us. All is definitely not lost. May he go forward and achieve more.

Whatever you set your mind to, you can do it!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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