Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is coming up. This is the day celebrated by lovers all over the world and some romantics propose or tie the knot on this day.

Most young people will be buying roses for their sweethearts, no matter that a simple bouquet will set them back a hundred ringgit or more! Some will make do with a single rose, which is just as romantic and meaningful, I think, and more practical too, as splashing out on roses which wither within the next couple of days does seem to be an unnecessary waste.

A night out is definitely on the cards and depending on the depth of one's pocket, the venue can be an expensive restaurant or just a walk along the beach, feeling the soft caress of the sea breeze on your face and listening to the rush of the waves as they break onto the shore.

Some will just have memories to fall back on.
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