Sunday, September 30, 2012

An Act of Kindness, A Good Word

Many people's lives have been changed by an act of kindness or a good word. Sometimes,this happens when one least expects it. Perhaps somewhere, someone is praying for you and in your hour of need, the answer comes.

I would like to share this poem with you so that you can ponder and who knows, it might just lead you to do something about it.

           You never know when someone
           May catch a dream from you.
           You never know when a little word
           Or something you may do
           May open up the windows
           Of a mind that seeks the light –
           The way you live may not matter at all,
           But then again it might.
           And just in case it might,
           And just in case it could be
           That another’s life, through you,
           Might possibly change for the better
           With a broader and brighter view,
           It seems it might be worth a try
           At pointing the way to the right –
          Of course it may not matter at all,
           But then again – it might.
(Author unknown)

Through a kind word or an act of kindness, you may be lighting someone's way forward.
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