The first young man was 19 when he committed the offence with a 13 year old girl. The second was 21 and he was convicted of raping a 12 year old. As both girls were under-aged, even if it was consensual sex, it is deemed statutory rape.
The court bound them over for good behavior for a period of five years. Many have come out to say that this is just a slap on the wrist of both perpetrators. Public opinion has criticized the court’s decision.
There has also been reports that VIS ( victim impact statement ) should have been used for rape cases so that the victim can tell the judge of her trauma and feelings before sentencing takes place.
I think this is good but then in the case of such young children ( I consider 12 and 13 year old girls as children because they are not yet mature in their thinking ) they may be shy to speak about their experience. If it had not been consensual sex, it could be worse as it would mean the victim reliving her horrific experience all over again.
If you were the family of the victims, what would your reaction be when the rapists get away with their crime? For indeed it is a crime to do what they have done. Being nineteen and twenty one years of age, they would surely know that what they did is wrong. Robbing these young girls who are barely out of their childhood, of their innocence is heinous. Allowing them to get away with it sets a dangerous precedent.
Then again, how do parents allow their young children to go out with people who are so much older than them? 21 years old with a 12 year old girl, 19 year old boy with a 13 year old girl. Surely they should be having friends that are of their own age? Little girls are vulnerable and may not know how to assert themselves in the face of the young men who may have sweet-talked them into doing things that they shouldn’t be doing at their age. The 12 year old girl indeed did ask the 21 year old to take her to school but instead he took her to his place and raped her. What defense could she have put up? He could have put the fear of whatever into her. Physically she’s definitely no match for him.
It comes down to this. I think parents should be more concerned and aware of their young daughters’ friendships with the opposite sex and their activities. Where do they go and with whom? It is important to know your children’s friends. Even more important is to make sure your children know that sexual activities are out of bounds and that they know how to say no to any person who is seeking to take advantage of them, and what they should do in case they find themselves in a perilous situation.
Parents are the best teachers that a child can have so it is your responsibility to educate your child in the ways of the world. Unfortunately too many parents are abdicating their roles these days for reasons best known to themselves.
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