Thursday, February 25, 2010

May I have this Dance?

Many people put off doing something just because they didn’t plan for it or are too rigid to depart from their routine. They don’t like to drop things and go out with a friend who has just called up.

Have you experienced any of the following? When you called a sibling or friend and asked, “ How about going for lunch today?” and you would get the reply, “ I can't. I have a lot of work to do.” Or “ Some other time…. I had a late breakfast.” Or are you the one that gave similar answers in response to an unexpected invitation?

We often tell ourselves that “We’ll do this after we retire” or “ I’ll start a vegetable garden soon, when there is some rain.” How about this one? “ I’ll visit my sister when I find the time to check out the airfares and get the best deal.” Or “ I’ll call her tonight” and then promptly forget when your favorite t.v. show comes on.

Have your kids wanted to talk or have your siblings dropped by and sat in silence while you watched Astro or a show on television?

Time escalates as we get older. It was only a short while ago that we welcomed the year 2010 and now March is round the corner. The days get shorter, and the list of “ We’ll do this”, “ I’ll begin working on my project” etc., etc. stretches on.

Or are you the rare person who will jump at a friend’s invitation even though you hadn’t planned on going out that day? Will you say yes and drop whatever you’re doing?

I think we should not shy away from enjoying something without feeling guilty. Hang the clothes waiting to be ironed; forget the “things to do today” list. Go out and enjoy yourself!

You deserve to be spoilt every now and then. Don’t let life pass you by because you are too busy or cannot break the routine. “What life is this if we have no time to stand & stare?” (H.W. Longfellow)

Have you ever walked in the rain, lifting your face to the raindrops as they fall? Have you walked barefoot in the dewy grass early in the morning?

Have you listened to the birds’ songs and can you spot the different trills and melodies? Have your eyes followed a butterfly’s flight?
Have you sat and watched the sun go down and the day die into darkness?
Or do you slave at the stove or stare your eyes rigid at the computer screen?

Do you rush through each day, even eating on the run, not seeing what is around you? Not stopping by to chat or say hi?

When you lie in bed at night, what goes through your head? Things that you forgot to do that day? A list of “to do” tomorrow?

Remember, our time on earth is limited and all of us are on a journey. We all have an expiry stamp. We do need to slow down sometimes to listen to the music.
We don’t hear the music because we are too busy rushing through life. We often forget that life is not a race but a journey through different landscapes. Enjoy the scenery as we pass through.

So how about beginning right now and take time out from your busy schedules to say “Hi” to a friend? Don’t let friendships wither away just because you don’t have time to keep in touch. When you wait too long, you may not get the chance to say “Hi” anymore.

Don’t be like my friend who always said “ I’m snowed under” whenever he was asked to slow down and smell the roses. Now he cannot smell the roses. He’s not even pushing up the daises but has been migrated from his solitary Ivory Tower to a tiny sterile concrete niche among hundreds of others.

'Life may not be the party we hoped for… but while we are here we might as well dance!”

May I have this Dance?SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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