Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Creatures of Habit

Do you realise that we human beings are creatures of habits and most of the things we do in life are the result of habits?

Habits generally start with very small changes in our life that we often don’t really notice. However, once they become habits it is very hard to make changes. For example, I must have a piece of chocolate after a meal, no matter what! If I don't have that, I feel very distressed and out of sorts and the rest of the day is spoilt.

Many people are overweight because of habits that all combine to make them fat. Like me I guess, with my chocolate habit.

How often do you find yourself eating due to a particular emotional state of mind that you are in?

Many people ( me included!! )turn to food when they are feeling sad, depressed, lonely, happy and so on. These emotions often trigger the desire for food. Unfortunately, the food they reach out for are those that are low in nutritional value which in turn makes them feel more hungry. Thus they eat more to keep their stomachs satisfied.

So now you can see that overeating is the result of habits. Changing them will see the end to overeating and subsequent weight gain.

However, these emotion-related eating habits are very often difficult to break simply because most of the time people do not recognize them for what they are…. Bad eating habits.

This is because they are focused on the need to feel better and they think that food will put them in a better mood or give them the energy boost they need. Over a period of time, these habits will become so entrenched that the cycle of overeating and weight gain continues on and on until one day they are hit by metabolic obesity and the related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and the list goes on...

Frightening, isn't it, to think that bad habits can become life-threatening. Many Malaysians and I suspect, people of other nationalities too, have the habit of late night suppers, either at the mamak stalls
or kopitiams ( coffee shops with stalls that serve delicious food )
without realising that this is leading them towards the road named Metabolic Obesity.

We are not supposed to eat within four hours of our bedtime as our metabolism slows down at night and this is when our bodies repair themselves. By consuming what we like for supper ( I love Hokkien mee!! )
every weekend or more times than that, we are heading towards an unhealthy life and courting possibly premature death.

So be warned! Start breaking those habits!
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