Monday, April 19, 2010

Wear & Tear, the New Age

As we grow old, we realize how much we have abused our bodies. When we were younger, we just took our health for granted. We never fell ill and doctors were from another planet.

We could walk fast, we could run, we could zip from one place to the next with boundless energy, we could multi-task, fitting in child-rearing with job demands.
There was no need to take any vitamins or supplements. We were just so busy!

We could eat whatever we liked, drink whatever we liked. Fast food, noodles, curries, cakes, chocolates, sweet carbonated drinks like Root beer, Coco Cola, Pepsi, Sarsi, etc. etc…

Then one day, we realize, oh gosh! Half a century has gone by! Our children are in their teens or twenties, college-going, university undergrads….

The energy has begun to flag and there are the visits to the doctors. A fall here and there.
Xrays show that our bones are no longer what they used to be. Osteoporeosis is round the corner.

“Take care. You can’t afford to fall now!” is the advice that rings more often in our ears.

Yes, it’s time to slow down just as our bodies are slowing down and telling us in subtle ways that wear and tear have set in. We now opt to take supplements, some for joint mobility, some to boost our immune system and we give up the more strenuous sports for the more sedate ones like tai chi or walking.

For those of us who are now at the stage where everyone addresses us as “Auntie” or “Uncle”, well, we know what that means. We have been elevated into seniorhood and soon we may even be superseniors!

Welcome to Seniorhood!! The New Age for the older baby boomers. Life begins at 60, not 40 when you are still in the rat race.
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